Air Products (NYSE:APD) serves customers in industrial, energy, technology and healthcare markets worldwide with a unique portfolio of atmospheric gases, process and specialty gases, performance materials, and equipment and services. Founded in 1940, Air Products has built leading positions in key growth markets such as semiconductor materials, refinery hydrogen, home healthcare services, natural gas liquefaction, and advanced coatings and adhesives. The company is recognized for its innovative culture, operational excellence and commitment to safety and the environment. Air Products has annual revenues of $10 billion, operations in over 40 countries, and 22,000 employees around the globe.
空气产品公司(Air Products)创立于1940年,是一家居世界领先地位的工业气体,化学中间体产品和相关设备的全球供应商,为很多当今高增长的市场,包括电子,应用材料,能源,和医疗护理等领域提供独特的产品、服务和解决方案,并且长期效力于基础工业领域如钢铁,玻璃和食品加工等。空气产品公司总部位于美国宾夕法尼亚州阿灵顿(Allentown),业务遍及40多个国家,拥有22000名员工,年营业额约100亿美元,居美国财富500强之列。公司员工在理解、诚信和热情的基础上与客户建立持久良好的合作关系。自成立以来,空气产品公司一直以创新的企业文化、完善的管理和对环境及安全的承诺得到广泛的认可,被列入道琼斯可持续发展及富时社会责任指数,同时,空气产品公司也是全美国同行业(化工行业)安全纪录最好的公司之一。