- 使用计算机辅助设计工作站设计组装夹具从而来生产一流的注塑成型内饰组件产品。
Design assembly fixtures using computer aided design stations to produce best in class plastic injection molded interior components.
- 积极参与设计可行性分析阶段,与团队共同制定最初的设计方向。
Take an active part in the design feasibility stages and formulate initial design direction with the team.
- 在适当的时候参加会议,包括但不限于:工装加工厂、工厂内部、工程部门、销售部门和实验室的会议。
Attend meetings when appropriate, including but not limited to: tool shops, manufacturing, engineering, sales, and lab.
- 如需要,协助工装设计主导工程师进行功能、可靠性、易加工性、夹具以及具体设计项目的易装配性的审核工作。
Assist the Machine Design Lead with Fixtures in reviewing the functionality, reliability, manufacturability, fixturing, and ease of assembly of specific design programs as needed.
- 履行其他分配的任务和职责。
Perform other tasks and duties as assigned.
- 具备搜集和分析信息以及从有限的选择中进行决策的能力。
Possesses the ability to gather and analyze information and make decisions from a limited number of choices as demonstrated.
- 能够熟练使用三维设计软件,例如Solidworks.
Can skillfully use 3D design software,eg:Solidworks.
- 良好的英语读写听说能力。
Good command of English in reading, writing and speaking.
- 拥有工程制图学学士学位,或某些学校授予的工程制图课程。
B.S. degree in Engineering Graphics, or some college instruction [in an engineering or engineering graphics curriculum] .
- 三年以上设计工作经验
3 years design experience.
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