主要职责 Main Responsibilities
- 对于新项目产品,使用CAD软件设计空间利用率高、充分保护产品的包装方案。充分考虑成本因素、当前量产包装方案、以及客户的特殊要求(如有),协调公司内部资源,确定最终包装方案。包括后续的包装验证、以及客户批准(如适用)。
For new projects, use CAD software to design secure and space-optimised packaging. Take full consideration of cost, current series packaging solutions, customer special requirements, to initiate and coordinate internal resources to finalize the package solution. Afterwards, the activities includes package validation, package acceptance by customer (if applicable).
- 新项目产品、量产项目产品以及内部WIP:需要充分考虑有害物质因素、和环境因素对产品的可能影响,在包装材料选择和优化,以及存储运输方面予以规避或解决,包括制定相关的内部操作指导、规范或要求,比如,仓储、运输的温湿度要求等。
For new project parts, series production parts, internal WIP parts: taking full consideration of hazards and environmental threats faced during delivery and storage processes, to avoid these threats by choosing proper packaging material and/or creating related regulations(/WIs), e.g. temperature and moisture requirement during storage or transportation.
- 与包材供应商一起确定理想的包装材料,包括不同选材的选择、测试、评估和应用。
Work with material vendors to source the ideal packaging materials, including testing and assessing the performance of multiple prototypes and iterations.
- 建立并持续改进包材的技术规范,来料验收规范,以及公司内部目视检查规范,并负责监督执行。
Create and continuous improve the package technical regulation, as for incoming inspection, internal visual checking. And also monitor the implementation.
- 建立并动态维护全部产品的包装BOM清单
Create and dynamic update the package BOM list for all products.
- 确保公司可持续性策略以及环境策略在包装过程得到很好的贯彻执行,比如温室气体减排。
Ensure the brand’s sustainability and environmental policies are adhered in the field of package, for instance GHG-emission reduction.
- 作为核心小组成员,参与FMEA和CP的制定,给出包装过程、存储过程、运输过程可能的风险及对策
As core team members for FMEA and CP, to contribute the analysis and measures giving onto packing /storage process.
- 作为闭环,包装工程师同时负责包材的处置(体系上而非运营操作层面,不包括小规模的,备件包装等)
As closed cycle, the packing engineer (not operational but systematic) responsible for package disposals (excl. small, spare parts packing etc…)
- 主要原材料以及采购件的包装负责人
Responsible for package of pre-material and bought-in parts
- 所有内外部包装问题(包括客户抱怨)的主要负责人。
The responsible person for internal and external package problems (excluding transportation agent issues).
- 主管安排的其它工作
Other missions assigned by supervisor.
资质要求 Qualification Requirements
学历要求 Minimum Education Requirements:
- ***本科及以上学历,机械工程、自动化、材料、物流、工业设计相关专业。
Bachelor degree or above, major in mechanical engineering, automation, material, logistic or industry design.
经验要求 Minimum Experience Requirements:
- 至少2年包装设计相关工作经验。
At least 2 years working experience related with packing design.
必备技能与特质Essential Skills & Characteristics:
- 熟悉IATF16949,FMEA,控制计划
Be familiar with IATF16949, FMEA, Control Plan
- 熟悉相关行业标准和法律法规
Be familiar with related external standards, law and regulations.
- 较强的交流、协助能力、问题解决能力、工作主动、性格随和、诚实守信、良好的团队合作者;熟悉微软办公软件;良好的英文书面技能。
Solid skills of communication, coordination & problem-solving, initiative, easy going & commitment, good team player, English in written.
主要绩效评估指标 / KPI
- 包装方案完成及时率、有效率100%
The timeliness and effectiveness on package solution 100%.
- 包装成本节约项目完成率100%
The cost saving projects on package are realized 100%.
- 包装BOM维护及时率准确率100%
The timeliness and correctness of package BOM maintenance 100%
- 外部审核无主要不符合
No major NCs during external audit.
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