1. 新产品的工艺支持,工艺文件编制,参与PFMEA 的编制,跟踪试生产过程,并解决问题
Support for new PNs, edit the process docs, participate in the establish the PFMEA, follow the trail production process and solve the problems
2. 设备参数指示书、操作指示书、换型指示书的编制、发行、维护
Establish, release and maintain the parameter instructions, operation instructions, resetting instructions of equipment.
3. 参与产品工装的设计
Participate in the design of tooling
4. 现场薄弱环节的改善,工艺、设备、工装、文件等方面的改善
Improve the weak part Onsite, improve process, equipment, tooling and docs etc.
5. 工艺的持续改进、降本、增效
Lastly improving, reducing and increasing the process part
6. 深入生产现场及时解决出现的技术问题
Deeply stay Onsite to solve the technical problems in time
7. 领导安排的其它任务
Other tasks
1. 有轴承设备维修、换型、调试工作经验,对轴承加工有一定的了解
Have experience On maintenance, resetting and adjustment of bearing equipment, and has knowledge of bearing production
2. 能分析轴承加工、装配过程中的问题
Can analyze the problems happened during bearings grinding and assembly
3. 动手能力强,会操作机加工设备,能制作、修改简单的工装或零部件
Strong practical ability, can operate equipment, make and modify some simple tooling or spare parts
4. 良好的沟通能力
Good communication ability
5. 能熟练使用CAD/slidworks作图软件、有独立设计能力
skilled in using CAD/slidworks, have independent design ability
6. 英语听说能力
English speaking and listening ability
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